Expressive arts and design

Two Little Black Birds Felt Board Pattern PDF
Two little black birds sitting on a hill
One named Jack
And the other named Jill
Fly away Jack
Fly away Jill
Come back Jack
Come back Jill

Five Little Raindrops Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
his felt set pattern comes with two rhymes:
Counting Down
Five little raindrops plopping on the floor,
One plopped away, and then there were four.
Four little raindrops dripping on the trees,
One dripped away, and then there were three.
Three little raindrops splashing on my shoe,
One splashed away, and then there were two……
Counting Up
One little raindrop in the dark, dark sky
Two little raindrops watch the clouds roll by….
The cloud is 18 cm (7 inches) wide and each raindrop is 4.5cm long (1.75 inches).

Ten Apples Up on Top Dr Seuss Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Retell Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr Seuss using this felt set.
First put the dog, the lion and the tiger on the felt board.
Read the first page of the book and demonstrate how to use the apples to act out the story.
Encourage children to take over adding apples as each page is read.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
The lion is 11cm x 10cm ( About 4.5 x 4 inches)
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Reindeer Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five little reindeer pulling the sleigh
Filled with toys for Christmas day.
Santa shouts “Oh No! I’ve dropped a sack”,
So one little reindeer goes to get it back
Each reindeer is 14cm wide (5.25 inches) and 9cm high (3.5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Elves Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
These cute elves just demand to be counted at Christmas time.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
Each elf is 11.5 cm (about 4.5 inches) and 12 cm wide (about 5 inches).
Five little elves jumping on the sleigh,
One jumped off and ran away
Rudolph called Santa and Santa said
“No more elves jumping on the sleigh.”
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat Party Hat Hide and Seek Game Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
This is a fun interactive game which encourages vocabulary development, colour and pattern recognition and turn taking. Depending on the concepts you are trying to develop you can make the party hats using ether plain coloured fabric or patterned.
First, talk about the party hats, highlighting colours and patterns and any distinguishing features.
Then, hide the cat underneath one of the party hats.
Then chant with the children:
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
Playing hide and seek.
Are you under the [colour or pattern] party hat?
Let’s take a peek.
Children take turns guessing which party hat the cat is hiding under by identifying a party hat by colour or pattern and removing it to search underneath for the cat.
For example:
Are you under the pink party hat?
Are you under the stripy party hat?

Ten Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Ten Green Bottles Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
There were ten green bottles hanging on the wall
Ten green bottles hanging on the wall
And if one green bottle should accidently fall
There’ll be nine green bottles standing on the wall
Nine Green Bottles standing on the wall…
Count down until ….
One Green Bottle hanging on the wall
One green bottle hanging on the wall
And if that green bottle should accidently fall
There’ll be no green bottles hanging on the wall
The wall is 54cm long (21 inches) and 12cm high (almost 5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Little Worm Hide and Seek Sizes Game Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Little Worm Hide and Seek Sizes Game Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
Hide worm underneath one of the apples. Then chant with the children:
Little worm, little worm
playing hide and seek.
Are you under the large, medium, or small apple.
Let’s take a peek.
The large apple is 15cm x 16 cm (about 6 inches) and the smallest apple is 7cm x 8cm ( about 2.5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

APPLE Felt Board Set Digital Pattern like BINGO
I know a fruit that grows on trees,
And apple is its name-o!
A. P. P. L. E.
A. P. P. L. E.
A. P. P. L. E.
An apple is its name-o!
I know a fruit that grows on trees,
And apple is its name-o!
A. P. P. L. Crunch
A. P. P. L. Crunch
A. P. P. L. Crunch
And apple is its name-o!
Each apple is 9cm x 10cm
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Candy Canes Felt Board Set Digital Pattern Christmas
Five Little Candy Canes Felt Board Pattern PDF Digital Download
Five little candy canes
hanging on the door
Santa ate one
Then there were four.
Four little candy canes
hanging on the tree
Mrs Clause ate one
Then there were three…….
Each candy cane is 13cm tall (5 inches) and 7cm wide (about 3 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Stockings Felt Board Set Digital Pattern Christmas
Five Little Stockings Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
Five little stockings hanging up so high
Ready for the evening when Santa stops by
The cat chased the mouse along the mantle top
And one little stocking fell …. ker-plop……
Each stocking is 11cm by 12cm (4 x 4.25 inches)
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Candles Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five little candles straight and tall
Burning brightly, count them all
Puff, I blow with all my might
And out goes one little candle light.
Four little candles ….
Three little candles…
Two little candles…
One little candle straight and tall
Burning brightly, count them all
Puff, I blow with all my might
And out goes the last little candle light.
Each candle is about 9cm tall (3.5 inches) and each flame is 5cm tall (2 inches)
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Al and Etta Jelly Bean Song Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
This is a great Easter felt set for singing about colours and expanding vocabulary.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
Al and Etta are two little bunnies who really want to help deliver Easter eggs. But first they need to be able to collect a basket full of jelly beans to show that they can be trusted to deliver the Easter eggs.
Tune: Allouette
Al and Etta, they went out to get a
Basket full of jolly jelly beans.
Jolly jelly beans of [green]
Now you know just what I mean
Beans of [green]
Beans of [green]
Red—That’s Exactly what I said
Pink—That’s exactly what I think
Blue—one for me and one for you
Black—I keep them in a great big sack
White—I like to eat my beans at night
Yellow—that’s a helpful bunny fellow
Each rabbit is 13cm tall (5.25 inches).
The jelly beans are 3.5cm long (1.5 inches )
The basket is 22cm (8.5 inches) tall 18cm (7.25 inches) wide.
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Balloons for a Party Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Discover colours and expand vocabulary with this birthday balloon felt board set.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all. Just cut the felt and assemble.
Each balloon is 14cm tall (5.5 inches) and 11.4cm (3.5 inches) wide.
Here are balloons for a party
Because it’s my birthday today.
I have balloons for all of my friends
Who are coming over to play.
Here is a pretty blue balloon,
As blue as the summer skies.
And here is a bright red balloon,
The best that you can buy!
Here is a gorgeous yellow balloon,
As yellow as bright sunshine.
And here is a beautiful purple balloon,
Like purple grapes from a vine.
Here is a lovely orange balloon,
Like oranges from the store.
And here is a fine white balloon,
And now there are no more!
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Apple in a Basket Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five Apples in a Basket Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
The first apple in the basket was bright and shiny red.
The second apple in the basket said “My ,what a cosy bed”
The third apple in the basket said “Make room for me your pair”
The fourth apple in the basket said “Please, move over there”
The fifth apple in the basket said “Oh dear, oh me, oh my!”
This basket looks like pastry—I think we’re in a pie!”
The pie is 28cm wide.
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Three Jelly Fish Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Three jelly fish, three jelly fish,
Three jelly fish sitting on a rock
one fell off, ohhhh.
Two jelly fish, two jelly fish,
Two jelly fish sitting on a rock
another one fell off, ohhhh.
Each jelly fish is 8.5cm wide ( about 3.5 inches) and 18cm long ( 7 inches) . The rock is 28cm wide (11 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Spotty Egg Counting Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
This is a great felt set for promoting counting up to five.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
How many spots belong on each egg?
Match the number spots to the number displayed on the egg.
Place the spots on the egg and then match the correct number to the number of spots.
Each egg 18cm tall (7 inches) and 14cm wide (5.5 inches).

Today I Have a Birthday Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
This is super simple felt cake for celebrating birthdays.
Have lots of fun counting the removable candles.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all. Just cut the felt and assemble.
The cake including the cake stand is 30cm tall (about 12 inches) and 26cm wide (10.25 inches).
Today I have a birthday
I am five years old you see
( hold up 5 fingers )
And here I have a birthday cake
Which you may share with me
(put the cake on the felt board)
First we count the candles
Count them every one
( count the candles as you put them on the cake)
The counting is now done
Lets blow out the candles
Out each flame will go
As one by one we blow
(pretend to blow out the candles as you take them off the felt board)

Easter Egg Decorating Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
This is creative way to enjoy Easter eggs.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
This is a simple idea which provides an open ended opportunity for play and creativity and which can lead to discussions about colours and patterns and how many, and what shape and lots of vocabulary development.
Children can decorate together – having to share and cooperate with finite resources or work on their own eggs.
Each egg is 19.5cm tall (7.5 inches) and 15cm wide (5.75 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Christmas Bells Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five Christmas Bells Felt Board Pattern PDF Digital Download
One Christmas bell rings out loud and clear,
Calls for another so that more can hear.
Two Christmas bells make a joyful noise,
Call for another to ring for girls and boys.
Three Christmas bells ring out holiday cheer,
Call for another to be heard far and near.
Four Christmas bells make a merry sound
Call for another to be heard all around.
Five Christmas bells ring throughout the land
May there peace on earth and goodwill to all man.
Each bell is 9 cm high (3.5 inches) and 10 cm wide (4 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.